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Rev. Dr. Danny C Swilley

Rev. Dr. Danny C. Swilley

Serving Since 1992 

Pastor Danny C. Swilley
First Lady Vanessa Swilley

Pastor's Bio

The Reverend Dr. Danny C. Swilley is a native of Hazlehurst, Mississippi and the son of the late Hugh Lee and Bernice Martin Swilley.


Dr. Swilley holds many degrees from many highly accredited educational institutions.  He is also a graduate of the Morris College School of Religion Extension Program in Sumter, South Carolina.


At an early age, Danny received Christ as his personal Savior.  He was chosen by God to preach the Gospel and was ordained into the ministry by Reverend R.B. Hardaway of Providence Missionary Baptist Church, Holly Springs, Mississippi.  
                                                                                                                                    After relocating to Columbia, South Carolina, in August 1984, he became a member of Greater St. Luke Baptist Church, where he served as an Associate Minister.  On July 11, 1992, Reverend Swilley was elected and began serving as Pastor of the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, in Cayce, South Carolina, and continues to serve at this time.  


With God’s guidance, Dr. Swilley has been a faithful pastor to all the people and a true spiritual leader. Under his divine leadership and through God’s guidance, he has lead Mt. Pleasant to grow spiritually, physically, and financially.  During his tenure as pastor, the church has been incorporated, ten ministers licensed, six preachers ordained, thirteen deacons ordained, several trustees, new ministries, and new committees also added to the ministry.  Many renovations and improvements have been made, and land purchased for future growth and development.  In addition, a secretary/bookkeeper was hired to work onsite at the church office.  He also has led the church to join the Midlands Baptist Association of Columbia, SC.  


Mt. Pleasant believes “We are more than blessed by God who sent us a good shepherd in Pastor Swilley.”  Currently, there are four associate ministers serving at Mt. Pleasant with Pastor Swilley — Evangelist S. Michelle Everett, Evangelist Rosetta Boyd, Minister Delma Foulks, and Reverend Kevin Jones.


Dr. Swilley is currently employed by Denmark Technical College.  He is married to the lovely Vanessa Beckett-Swilley, and they have one son, Lance Shelton Swilley. 


Pastor Swilley truly has a heart full of compassion.  His motto, “If there be any good that I can do, let me do it now, for I shall never pass this way again”.   

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